
2024年5月12日—TheCSSdatatypedescribestheproportionalrelationshipbetweenawidthandheight.Itisusedasavaluefortheaspect-ratio ...,2019年10月4日—TheAspectRatioMediaQuery.Theaspectratiomediaqueryexpectsforitsvaluearatio...ratiomediaqueriesinmultipleplacesinyourCSS.,2021年1月20日—TheCSSpropertyaspect-ratioletsyoucreateboxesthatmaintainproportionaldimensionswheretheheightandwidthofaboxare...

<ratio> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2024年5月12日 — The <ratio> CSS data type describes the proportional relationship between a width and height. It is used as a value for the aspect-ratio ...

Aspect Ratio Media Queries

2019年10月4日 — The Aspect Ratio Media Query. The aspect ratio media query expects for its value a ratio ... ratio media queries in multiple places in your CSS.


2021年1月20日 — The CSS property aspect-ratio lets you create boxes that maintain proportional dimensions where the height and width of a box are calculated ...

aspect-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2024年5月12日 — The aspect-ratio feature is specified as a <ratio> value representing the width-to-height aspect ratio of the viewport. It is a range feature, ...

CSS aspect

The aspect-ratio property allows you to define the ratio between width and height of an element. If aspect-ratio and width properties are set, the height will ...

device-aspect-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

2024年5月12日 — The device-aspect-ratio CSS media feature can be used to test the width-to-height aspect ratio of an output device.

How to apply aspect-ratio media query

2021年3月14日 — I am trying to modify the size of my images based on their initial aspect-ratio. For this purpose i created 2 media on the aspect-ratio but for ...

前端新手村Media Query

Media features. 雖然media query 在撰寫時,有一種在寫css 的感覺。但是們還是有 ... ratio, bitmap, yes. color, integer, visual, yes. color-index, integer, visual ...

Desktop Media 1.7 - 在桌面自動建立隨身碟捷徑

Desktop Media 1.7 - 在桌面自動建立隨身碟捷徑
